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University Challenge Special 2024 starring Diarmaid MacCulloch

Campion Hall Fellow on University Challenge Christmas Special

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Campion Hall in the snow

Our Chaplain, Dr Brian Mac Cuarta SJ, shares an Advent reflection

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Students in the library

Graduate Study

We welcome graduate students from all walks of life. We combine the academic excellence of the University of Oxford with Jesuit educational philosophy to provide a unique learning experience that attends to the individual and helps them flourish.  

Front cover of Campion Hall graduate study brochure


Download our Graduate Study Brochure to find out more about our courses, community, and student experience.



Welcome to Campion Hall

Campion Hall is the Jesuit Hall in the University of Oxford. Its unique character combines the intellectual and educational traditions of Oxford and the Society of Jesus, a religious order in the Catholic Church. It is an international community of fellows, graduate students, and staff, who share the motivation to serve “all things human.”

Group of women in discussion


Our research mission is shaped by our desire to promote and serve humanity. In particular, we are driven by solidarity with the excluded, care for our common home, and awareness of the spiritual dimension of human life. The diverse research work carried out by our students and fellows enriches human knowledge and action, serving to contribute to a more just and compassionate world.   

Making a Difference

Since leaving Campion Hall, alumnus Emilio Travieso has been engaged in “hope movements” to find creative solutions to tackle problems like climate change and inequality. He specializes in food systems and is engaged in developing an educational model for rural schools in Haiti that  stimulates innovation through productive projects organised around agroecology.


Picture of alumnus Emilio