Welcome from the Master

Master profile pic
      Revd Dr Nick Austin SJ

Whether you are thinking of applying for postgraduate studies with us, a member of Campion Hall, or a visitor, I am delighted to welcome you to our website.

Campion Hall uniquely combines both ‘Oxford’ and ‘Jesuit.’ The Hall, originally named ‘Clarke Hall’ after its then Master, was established by the Society of Jesus in 1896, and granted permanent status by the University of Oxford in 1918. Campion Hall powerfully combines these two great educational and scholarly traditions, and aims to serve the greater good through research, teaching, and a practical contribution to society.

Keeping true to our motto, “Doing the Truth in Love”, we see academia at the service of the good of humanity and the planet. We value research that promotes and seeks to understand what is truly human, with a particular emphasis on solidarity with the excluded, care for our common home, the Earth, and awareness of the spiritual dimension of human life. We offer our students a holistic context that nourishes the heart and soul as well as the mind, and where each individual flourishes and prepares to make a contribution to the greater good.

For me, what makes Campion Hall special is our vibrant international community of students, fellows, and staff. Visitors often say they find the Hall a hospitable and warm place, a community in which a lively intellectual conversation is always going on.

I hope that you discover something of our spirit in these pages and that we will have the opportunity to welcome you to the Hall soon.


Revd Dr Nick Austin SJ, Master of Campion Hall

Head of House since Campion Day (1st December) 2018