Campion Hall is the Jesuit hall in the University of Oxford. Its unique character combines the intellectual and educational traditions of Oxford and the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits). It is an international community of fellows, graduate students, and staff, who share the motivation to serve ‘all things human.’
As one of the works of the Jesuits in Britain, Campion Hall participates in projects at the national level, with other Jesuit works, and is guided by the priorities of the Jesuit order globally. A key priority in this decade is to care for our common home. A response to this priority for the Jesuits in Britain was to commission in 2022 a full baseline carbon audit, which included Campion Hall.
From the Jesuits Annual Report 2021-22: “At Province level, the Decarbonisation Committee together with the Green Consultancy (now JRP) has met regularly to calculate the carbon footprint of scope 1, 2 and 3 business emissions for all assets owned by the Trust. Our Green House Gas baseline footprint (for 2021-22) is 19,429 tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions. The next stage will be to set a time scale to get to net-zero emissions with a plan of work needed to enable that target to be reached.”
Following the Province audit, Campion Hall completed a further energy audit to provide costed recommendations more specifically to our site.
The Jesuits in Britain (and so Campion Hall) divested from fossil fuels, that is to say from all the major energy companies that extract or refine oil, gas and coal, in 2020.
Campion Hall is also the home of the Laudato Si’ Research Institute. Inspired by Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical letter Laudato Si’, the institute seeks to provide the intellectual foundations for a reordering of society toward care for the earth and care for the poor.
Sustainability Committee
Campion Hall has an ecology committee with student representation which meets termly to review our sustainability progress and response to the baseline audit and energy survey. Students of Campion hall may contact the Master or Bursar for information about engaging with this work.