garden in bloom

Georgetown Visitors

We welcome Dr Oriana Skylar Mastro and her husband, Arzan, who will be with us during Hilary and Michaelmas terms.

She is an assistant professor of security studies at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. After graduating in East Asian Studies at Stanford, she gained her doctorate in Politics at Princeton University, and is a Fellow of several security institutions. Her current focus includes Chinese military and security policy and Asia-Pacific security issues.

She will work on post-World War II wartime diplomacy, evaluating the conditions under which leaders are open to peace talks, and when they refuse to entertain them. She is also a member of the US Air Force Reserve, for which she works as a reserve air attaché for the Asia-Pacific region.

Her husband, Arzan, worked for 13 years in the Australian Department of Defence, and is an MPhil/PhD student at King’s College London. At Oxford, he will continue working on his dissertation on India’s use of force. They both love travelling, eating, and spending time with friends; and look forward to doing all three while at Campion Hall!