Pat Riordan profile

Revd Dr Patrick Riordan, SJ

Senior Fellow in Political Philosophy and Catholic Social Thought


Patrick Riordan comes to Campion Hall from Heythrop College in London, where he was a lecturer teaching on philosophy, politics, and ethics. 

Riordan undertook studies in philosophy in Munich and Innsbruck. He was awarded a doctorate in philosophy by the University of Innsbruck in 1985 for a thesis entitled 'The Senses of Justice: A Critical Reconstruction of Justice-Talk in Practical Discourse.' His M.A. studies had been at the Hochschule für Philosophie, Munich, where he submitted a Masters thesis in 1981 entitled 'Das Entstehen des Geistes. Karl Rahner’s Theorie der Selbstüberbietung.'

At Heythrop Riordan taught undergraduates and graduates on a range of subjects, most recently with such classes as 'Marx and Marxism,' 'Introduction to Value,' and 'Ethical Issues for Today.' Riordan has published widely, with an emphasis on the common good and Catholic Social Teaching.