The D'Arcy Lectures, in collaboration with Georgetown University Press, are a series of 6-8 lectures by a distinguished Jesuit academic, presenting to the University and the wider academic world the very best of Jesuit scholarship. The lectures are therefore substantive and academic, but also accessible to more than the proponents of a single discipline. They are delivered in honour of Fr Martin D’Arcy SJ, the celebrated Master of the Hall from 1933-45, having been established in 1976 shortly after D’Arcy’s death. The D’Arcy lecturer is resident at Campion Hall for the duration of the lectures. They are normally (but not always) delivered during the Hilary term.
The lectures are in areas such as Theology, Ethics, Integral Ecology, Jesuit History, Jesuit Humanism, philosophy, contemporary Church matters, but can also embrace other subjects in the Humanities or Social Sciences. They contribute to the academic life of Campion Hall and the wider University of Oxford by disseminating research and encouraging conversation about matters crucial to our mission.
Georgetown University Press has established a Series to publish the works arising from the D’Arcy Lectures. Through the publication that follows the lecture series, the fruits of the scholarship and the conversations during the lectures are available to a much wider audience.
Previous speakers have included:
James F. Keenan SJ, Vice Provost for Global Engagement and Canisius Professor, Boston College, Director of The Jesuit Institute
"Preparing for the Moral Life" (2022)
Revd Dr Patrick Riordan SJ, Senior Fellow in Political Philosophy and Catholic Social Thought, Campion Hall
"Common Good: Theological, Philosophical, Political Aspects" (2021)
Gustavo Morello, Associate Professor of Sociology, Boston College
"What do Latin Americans do when they do Religion?" (2019)
Georg Sans SJ, Professor of the History of Modern Philosophy, Pontifical Gregorian University
"Good Will is Not Enough: Is There a Gap in Kant’s Ethics?" (2019)
Gerald A. Arbuckle SM, formerly Professor of Applied Cultural Anthropology, East Asian Pastoral Institute, Manila
"Healthcare in Chaos: Models in Conflict" (2011)
Xiaoxin Wu, Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History, University of San Francisco
"The Dragon & The Cross: Contemporary Chinese Perspectives on Christianity in China" (2010)
Ladislas Örsy SJ, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law School
"The Case of Francisco de Vitoria (ca. 1485-1546) for Human Rights" (2009)
Paul Mommaers SJ
"The Riddle of Christian Mystical Experience: The Role of the Humanity of Jesus" (1998)
René Girard
"Victims, Violence and Christianity" (1997)
Joseph A. Fitzmyer SJ
"Luke the Theologian: Aspects of his Teaching" (1987)
Avery Dulles SJ
"The Catholicity of the Church" (1983)
John Mahoney SJ
"The Making of Moral Theology: A Study of the Roman Catholic Tradition" (1981-82)