
The D’Arcy Lectures 2022

This year's D’Arcy Lectures are delivered by James F. Keenan, SJ, whose eight-part lecture series will explore the theme "Preparing for the Moral Life".

Preparing for the Moral Life

What type of Catholic Theological Ethics do we need to develop as the 21st century unfolds?

James KeenanEchoing the insight that the first lesson of life is to prepare for death, we investigate Grief to uncover the embodied, experiential claims of human connectedness. In that light, we investigate the rich philosophical contributions of Levinas, Butler, Honneth and Fraser on Vulnerability and Recognition. With these ontological, moral and theological claims, we explore the birth of Conscience as the acknowledgement of guilt, but through a theological anthropology that is constitutively social, looking at matters of collective responsibility and restoration. Jesus' proclamation of the Kingdom of God then becomes the pivot to hear the Call to Discipleship. The three remaining lectures address a connected and collective understanding of humanity in terms of the structures of Grace and Sin, Virtue, and Communion of Saints, the Works of Mercy, and the Beatitudes.

James F. Keenan, SJ, is the founder of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church as well as Boston College's Canisius Professor, Director of the Jesuit Institute and Vice Provost for Global Engagement.

Lecture Schedule

The lectures will take place every Tuesday 5:30pm-6:45pm in Trinity Term (26 April to 14 June)

26 April: Lecture 1
Accompanying lecture notes
Lecture 1 recording

3 May: Lecture 2
Accompanying lecture notes
Lecture 2 recording

10 May: Lecture 3

Accompanying lecture notes
Lecture 3 recording

17 May: Lecture 4

Accompanying lecture notes
Lecture 4 recording

24 May: Lecture 5
The Call to Discipleship

Accompanying lecture notes
Lecture 5 recording

31 May: Lecture 6
Grace and Sin

Accompanying lecture notes
Lecture 6 recording

7 June: Lecture 7
The Virtues
Accompanying lecture notes
Lecture 7 recording

14 June: Lecture 8
Communion of Saints, the Works of Mercy, and the Beatitudes

Accompanying lecture notes
Lecture 8 recording


This lecture series will be held at Campion Hall as well as streamed online. When you register, please choose either the "online" or "in-person" option.

Register Now

About The D'Arcy Lectures

The Martin D’Arcy Memorial Lectures are an annual series established by Campion Hall in 1976 to be delivered, usually by a fellow Jesuit, in honour of the celebrated Master of the Hall from 1933-45. It is held in collaboration with Georgetown University Press.
Find out more about The D'Arcy Lectures.

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